Currently there are four play areas across the two Kibworth parishes.
Kibworth Beauchamp
- Warwick Park play area
- Smeeton Road Rec play area
However, another play area is being provided on the Miller Homes Centurion Place estate off Warwick Road, which, when commissioned is expected to be handed over to Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council, after being given a RoSPA safety inspection.
Kibworth Harcourt
- Jubilee Green
- Polwell Road play area
Kibworth Beauchamp Play Areas
Warwick Park Play Area
Smeeton Road Rec play area
Kibworth Harcourt Play Areas
Jubilee Green
Polwell Road Play Area
Polwell Road Play Area is part of the Kibworth Meadows housing development. It is currently in the process of being the responsibility of Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council for maintaining it from David Wilson Homes.